
Set Body

You can either set the body of the response explicitly...

c.res.body = { foo: 'bar' }

...or just return it:

app.get('/', () => {
  return { foo: 'bar' }

Set Status Code

By default, the status code is 200 - if an error occurs, it will be 500 (unknown error) or 400 (validation error).

  • Explicitly:

    c.res.code = 100
  • Implicitly:

    If your response body is a JSON object, you can also add a code key to it to set the status code of the response that way.

    cheetah won't remove the code field from your JSON object!

    app.get('/', () => {
      return {
        foo: 'bar',
        code: 100

Attach Header

c.res.header('foo', 'bar')
c.res.setCookie('foo', 'bar', options)


  • expires Date
  • maxAge number
  • domain string
  • path string
  • secure boolean
  • httpOnly boolean
  • sameSite string

This method attaches an empty Set-Cookie header to delete the cookie.

c.res.deleteCookie('foo', options)


  • domain string
  • path string

Make a Redirect

The status code is by default set to 307 (temporary redirect).

c.res.redirect(destination, code)


c.res.redirect('', 301)

Calculate Size of Body

A vague estimate of the size of the response body (-1 if it cannot be calculated).
